1 Lead
2 UI/UX Designers
3 Graphic Design & UI/UX Designers
My Role:
Graphic Design & UI/UX Design
Additionally, I designed the five recipe stickers displayed on my home page. I also designed Lini, our mascot, in collaboration with another team member.
Languini is an app through which users can learn how to cook and learn about other cultures through step-by-step recipes that include relevent vocobulary to the language of the culture the recipe comes from.
In a time where the celebration and understanding of diverse cultures is increasingly important, today’s fast-paced lifestyle leaves students and non-students alike lacking in time to learn how to cook for themselves and develop a connection to their cultural identity and the people around them.
How interested are you in learning about your own culture’s language/languages of other cultures?
Over half of survey participants were interested in learning the language of their own culture, or learning the language of a different culture.
83% of respondents stated that they enjoy cooking, how ever 2/3 of respondents only cook between 1-3 times a week.
Expressed lack of time as a pain point when looking for recipes.
Valued simple and easy to follow instructions.
Expressed that incentives are effective in motivating them to complete tasks.
Competive Analysis
We conducted research on language learning platforms and recipe sites to gather information on how similiar products functioned.
The features considered included onboarding, skill level options, recipe ratings, progress tracking, recipe descriptions, and account systems.
After onboarding, the landing page displays suggested and started recipes.
The user selects a recipe and begins the step-by-step tutorial.
Different tabs show an overview of the recipe.
Highlighted ingredients can be clicked on, and show ingredients that may be specific to the recipe's culture of origin.
Users earn stickers once finished with a recipe tutorial.
The Cookbook page contains completed recipes, saved recipes, and a sticker collection.
In between each step, a pop up shows a vocab word or fact from the culture from which the recipe originates. At the end, Lini, the mascot, gives a summary of vocab and facts learned.
Early Design.
We started with brainstorming sketches of what frames in the user flow could look like.
We then decided which frames we liked, and created lo-fi versions.
Next we adjusted the formatting of the frames and added another to increase fluidity for the mid-fi version.
We conducted usability testing, and some of our features were not immediately visible or accessible at first. For example, we made each check box larger in the recipe steps, and made the save recipe buttons more obvious, and added an ingredients tab to the recipe steps to make following along more convenient. Our theming also needed a remodel. initially, the cooler colors we had picked out for the app did not match the warm feel of our stickers and mascot. We opted for warmer colors to make the design more inviting.
Intuitive User Flow
Additional Features
This project was my introduction to design, and it really ignited my interest. Working with a team to create a product was a valuable experience, and I improved my creative collaborabtion skills. Some areas that could be improved for furture projects include:
creating more iterations of our initial design to create an even more intuitive flow, and provide options for the features included.
conducting more research to include a user persona to aid the early design process.